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Natural contraception

Natural contraception

What is Natural contraception?

  • Natural contraception is a term given to methods of contraception which do not use hormones, devices, barriers or surgery to prevent pregnancy.


  • Anything that interferes with the body’s natural hormonal cycle or is manmade such as condoms or the IUD are not considered to be a form of natural contraception.


  • Natural contraceptives are not as effective as other contraceptive methods but are good for people who do not want to take chemical or hormonal contraception.

many different natural contraception

What are the different types of natural contraception?

There are 3 methods of natural contraception:


  • Natural family planning

  • Lactational amenorrhea method (LAM)

  • Withdrawal method

natural methods

Natural family planning

Natural family planning

Natural family planning involves being able to identify the signs and symptoms of fertility during the menstrual cycle so you can plan or avoid pregnancy.

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Lactational amenorrhea method (LAM)

Some women use breastfeeding as a form of natural contraception. It can be effective for up to 6 months after childbirth, as long as monthly bleeding has not returned and the woman is fully or nearly fully breastfeeding.

Withdrawal method

Withdrawal method

This method involves removing the penis from inside the vagina before ejaculation to minimize the risk of sperm entering the vagina and reaching the egg.

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Short-acting contraception

Natural contraceptives are a subcategory of a larger category of contraceptives called short-acting contraception. Short acting contraceptives get their name because they work for a short period of time – either every time you have sex, daily, weekly or monthly.


Your contraception, your choice

Being able to control if and when you have children is a big part of maintaining your health. Learn about the contraceptive options available in the UK to help you find your perfect fit.


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Reporting side effects

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