The average age for periods to stop is 51 but some women will experience this sooner and others later (typically between 45 and 55).


When periods stop this is known as the menopause (12 months without a period) and this comes as a result of lower hormone levels.

Before menopause you may find that your periods start to reduce in frequency over the course of months or years before going on to stop altogether, this transition is known as perimenopause.

Menopause sometimes happens earlier, either naturally or due to chemotherapy as part of treatment for cancer, surgery where the ovaries or uterus are removed (oophorectomy or hysterectomy), genetics or an unknown reason.
You may experience some of the following symptoms during perimenopause/menopause:

Irregular periods

Hot flushes

Night sweats

Sleep disturbance

Mood swings


Brain fog
These symptoms can have a big impact on you, your relationships and work.
If the symptoms are affecting your daily activities and quality of life it may be worthwhile booking an appointment with your doctor.

PP-UN-WHC-GB-0052 September 2023